Save a tree, end junk mail! Get your name off mailing lists by writing to:
Direct Marketing Association
Mail Preference Service
PO Box 9008
Farmingdale, New York 11735-9008
Purchase Products sold in bulk forms such as flour, pasta, rice, nuts, and spices.
Try reusables and refillables instead of disposables: cloth napkins, handkerchiefs, food storage containers, razors, batteries.
Paper vs. Plastic? Avoid both, Bring your own durable bags! Some stores even give rebates and remember, if you use them, paper bags contain recycled content and are easily recycled in Oregon.
Avoid saran wrap and foil when possible, use tupperware or empty food containers to store leftovers or to carry your lunch.
Don’t dump your unwanted items, donate them to thrift organizations or have a yard sale.
Compost yard debris and vegetable waste.
In Your Office:
Double-sided printing: Always use both sides of the paper! Set all employee computer defaults to “duplex print.”
Proof documents on screen when possible and teach employees to use preview and spell check before printing.